
Medicaid Waiver Automated Analysis Prototype “Hermes” (2019)

Goal: To develop a web-based tool to automatically download, scan, and analyze a large number of publicly available Medicaid 1115 waiver documents to detect…

Strategic Foresight Automation Prototype “Horizon” (2019)

Goal: To create a tool that provides a systematic way of looking for activities shared on social media platforms that may be relevant to…

HHS Project Crowdsourcing and Collaboration Portal (2015–2020)

Goal: To provide a structured, secure virtual place where employees and units within HHS could pitch and find projects, provide and find backing, and give-and-receive feedback…

Situational Awareness Dashboard Prototype (2010–2015)

Goal: To develop a high-fidelity mockup prototype for an intuitive situational awareness dashboard for CDC staff and public health partners.   Summary: Successfully completed…

Leveraging Social Media for Flu Surveillance (2010–2015)

Goal: To explore and define the requirements and processes necessary to leverage a social media platform, such as Twitter, to augment influenza surveillance. In…

CDC Integrated Surveillance Portal (2015)

Goal: To create a full inventory of CDC’s surveillance systems, programs, registries, health surveys, tools, and collaboratives. Summary: A comprehensive, real-time, interactive resource for…

HIV Viral Load Tracking Web Application

Goal: To provide the Global Health HIV team with the design for a web-based application to help clinics in Africa monitor HIV viral load…